Saturday, March 4, 2023

Arts Council Local Cultural Project ~ Arts Council Debuts First Local Cultural Project with West Springfield Public Schools

The West Springfield Arts Council is pleased to announce the first Local Cultural Project sponsored with funds from the Mass Cultural Council (MCC). 

The 2023 Project will be dedicated to providing funding to each of West Springfield’s public schools for Arts and Cultural ventures. Local Cultural Projects are designed to encourage and support groups which have demonstrated commitment to furthering Cultural and Arts experiences to members of their community. The stipend will be used by each school to support additional aspects of their current curricula in culture, arts, and music. 

The Ashley Elementary School will focus on an arts event, the High School will revisit their Heritage History and annual Arts Festival, the Middle School is resupplying art materials for Makerspace, and the Tatham, Mittineague, Memorial, Coburn, Cowing/CAS and Fausey Elementary schools are all scheduling cultural events before the end of the school year. Each school has not only continued to incorporate culture, arts and music into their programs, they have prioritized expansion as a critical element to welcoming new students to the community, developing a stronger relationship with STEM academics and encouraging creativity throughout the entire school experience. 

For further information about the Council’s work, log onto the West Springfield Arts Council website

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