Thursday, August 24, 2023

September 1 to October 17 ~ Apply for a West Springfield Arts Council Grant

From June 24 through July 22, the West Springfield Arts Council conducted a community survey to help set funding priorities for the 2024 grant year. We thank all who generously responded to this survey.

The West Springfield Arts Council grant cycle opens on September 1, 2023. Grants range from $250 to several thousand dollars.

These grants can support a variety of artistic projects and activities in West Springfield-- including exhibits, festivals, short-term artist residencies, workshops, lectures, or performances in schools, the senior center, public library, and other West Springfield venues that are open to the public.

Applications to apply for grant funding will be posted at the footer of the Mass Cultural Council's West Springfield Arts Council webpage from September 1 through October 17.

The West Springfield Arts Council grant funding priorities and guidelines, based upon Mass Cultural Council guidelines and the results of this survey, are posted below: 

  FY2024 Council Priorities

1. A specific date, time (event program running time when applicable), and venue must be confirmed when submitting an application. Please include a letter from the venue as confirmation.

2. Programs that offer free or low cost for attendees.

3. New programming projects from first time applicants, will be given preference over repeat applicants.

4. Applications from diverse age groups, cultural backgrounds, as well as local institutions and artists.

5. We encourage collaboration and sponsorships among community groups.

FY2024 Council Guidelines

1. Grant funds may NOT be used to purchase food, refreshments, gifts; or for payment of sales taxes. 

2. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that persons with disabilities have access to public programs or services on an equal basis with the rest of the general public. 
All events and programs funded by the West Springfield Arts Council must be accessible to persons with disabilities, including the facility or event location as well as the content of the program.

3. Grant recipients must include the required credit line for all West Springfield Arts Council grant funded programs: "This program is supported in part by a grant from the West Springfield Arts Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.”

4  Grant recipients must forward their publicity releases to the contacts listed on the West Springfield Arts Council Publicity Toolkit web page at least TWO WEEKS BEFORE the performance date of the grant funded project.

5. Individuals, Non-profits, and For-profit entities that propose projects that provide public benefit are welcome to apply for grant funding. 

6. Contact the MA Cultural Council Help Desk at 
617-858-2721 for assistance with technical issues and/or questions about the online application process.

Information about Mass Cultural Council Local Cultural Council Grant Application Process

Submit Application Online: 

The West Springfield Arts Council is a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

2023 West Springfield Arts Council Members: Joanne Burke | Anthony Cignoli | Diane Doe | Janet Eckert | Donna Laconti | Madelyn Miller | Patricia Murphy - Secretary | Robert Whitney - Treasurer

Town Liaison:  Eileen Chapman, Arts Council Liaison, Library Director, West Springfield Public Library



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